I have been doing the weight watchers points plus program using info I found online. Well, after a couple of months on the program I figured out it works for me. I know. This all sounds kind of backwards doesn’t it? But I didn’t want to put out money for something I may not be willing to follow through on.
I have all the info or the old weight watchers program. I know it worked for me too. I was thinking I could always go back to that if the new points plus program didn’t work out. Well, now I have tried it. I love it. Maybe if I wasn’t a big fan of fresh fruits and vegetables I wouldn’t be as excited as I have been about the PP program.
Today I made the time to go to the city and stop into the Weight Watchers’ office. It has been a long time since I was in their building. Simply walking in the door was so motivating! I am thankful for the leader who spent so much time with me today. After gathering a ton of information, I purchased this…
I know because of my circumstances at this stage of my life, I won’t have the time to make it out to the meetings, so I am doing Weight Watchers online.
I’m excited! This is like a fresh start all over again!