Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Diet - Why Now

I'm not sure why I put it off. I'm 48 years old today. This week I feel like I've lost a decade of my life. It hasn't been a decade, but nearly. I have gained and lost a lot of weight in the past ten years. I heard a report about yo-yo dieting this past week. I didn't realize it was so bad for my health. It has me a little scared about my health right now.

So this time, when I lose the weight, I have a goal to keep it off for good. No more yo-yo dieting.

I want to be healthy and look good at 50. It's important to me to get in shape by my 50th birthday.

I have two years to reach my goal weight and health goals. For now I am looking at a week by week goal. Maybe later, after I figure out what I'm doing, I'll set goals farther out. Right now I'm not comfortable with goal setting.

All I know is I wish to lose this excess weight as soon as possible, but I want to lose it in a healthy way. I want to have more energy. I need more self control.

Why now? I can't feel like I do this week. I don't like feeling so blue about my life.

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Goal - Motivation